So what is it they say "Red sky at morning.......Sailor's warning"?
But it was a beautiful sunrise.
Now that we are heading upstream, our miles per hour have slowed to 9.3 at 1300 rpm as compared to 12.3 mph when we were on the Mississippi going with the current. Since the lower Mississippi, Alan has been using the auto pilot to steer the boat - a lot easier on him vs. constantly turning the steering wheel.
On the Ohio, they seem a lot more likely to allow you to go into a lock with a tow boat.
During our morning lock through Smithland Dam, Alan said that if we only had bagels - then we would have "locks and bagels". Hey Captain, keep your day job!
Above the dam, we started to see some beautiful cliffs on the Illinois side with lovely homes.
Not sure if you can see in the picture below, but it looks like next to the steps the owner has put in some type of homemade rail transport system. I guess to get things up and down the bank more easily.
At mile marker 881 is Cave in Rock. Wonder why they named it that?
There is a ferry that runs to the town of Cave in Rock.
Below is Cincinnati Island. A good friend of ours tucked away behind this on his boating honeymoon.
Ah, the stories it could tell.... |
Around 4 pm the rain set in and got progressively worse. As we neared our destination (Nu Plaza Yacht Club Marina) at mile marker 797 it was nasty with whitecaps on the river and winds blowing at 35 knots. Alan did a great job approaching the dock - fortunately the wind was blowing us into it and we had lots of help from the marina. I know one thing - we ALL took a soaking!
The rain continued well into the night and we rocked gently. I felt much more at ease being tied to a dock vs."being on the hook" with high wind.