Saturday, September 14, 2019

The Tennessee River

We woke up at Green Turtle Bay Marina to an absolutely gorgeous sunrise.

We headed out early and crossed over from Barkley Lake to Kentucky Lake. This area is better known as Land Between the Lakes. Yesterday, we came in from the Cumberland River, through the Barkley Dam to Grand Rivers on Barkley Lake. This morning we crossed through the canal (also known as "the cut") that I have circled in red from Barkley Lake into Kentucky Lake which then leads to the Tennessee River. Kentucky Lake was formed in 1944 by the Tennessee Valley Authority when they built the Kentucky Dam creating the largest artificial lake by surface area in the U.S.

 Below is how the cut looks on our navigation chart.

And on the Nebo app
I was amazed at the size of Kentucky lake.
We passed a few turtles along the way.
And an abandoned grain elevator
We spent the night at Pebble Isle Marina at mm 96 on the Tennessee River. We fueled up ($3.09/gal). It was a really nice place to stay. They provided a courtesy car so we made a quick trip to the local Walmart.

We had a great dinner (fried catfish) at the marina restaurant and Katie Joe was a sweetheart.

We saw our first moonrise that night. It was pretty amazing to watch.
Tomorrow, we will continue down the Tennessee River to an anchorage short of the Pickwick Lock and Dam. Then head to our temporary holding marina early on Sunday.
We averaged about 9.2 mph and 5 gallons fuel/hour on the Ohio. Heading upstream we are averaging about 9 mph and burning 6 gallons/hour.
Hoping for a cooler day tomorrow. Thanks for coming along with us!


  1. What a wonderful adventure. Really enjoy reading your posts!

  2. Thanks for the comment! It is an adventure!

  3. Ethan wants to know why the grain elevator is in the middle of the lake?
    I love that you are providing the history and geography info with your blog! So fascinating. Katie
